I set a few goals at the beginning of the year and know that accountability helps keep me on track so I tracked my stats all year. Below is my fourth quarter of the year review. You can also read about the first quarter, second quarter, and third quarter successes and failures.

2018 Goals
1. Blog once per week.
I published 6 posts
2. One date night per month.
This was the most challenging goals in 2018. We missed July but also had several months with multiple dates. I appreciated the accountability of making my marriage a priority. Unfortunately, the end of year craziness got us.
In October, we had two lunch dates and also went to a party together. I didn’t take pictures of anything, unfortunately. I guess that means I just enjoyed our time together and was present.
In November we didn’t really have a date per se. We went out Black Friday shopping just the two of us and watched a Christmas movie together on the couch. It was one-on-one time so I suppose that counts?
In December we were supposed to have a double-date with some friends but a kid came down with the flu so that didn’t work out. So other than a few movie nights on the couch, we didn’t have the opportunity to get out and about.
3. One-on-one time with each kid once per quarter.
Kaitlyn and I had a few hours of girl time in October. We played Sorry (I lost), read some of our current Little House

Jackson and I spent some time together one afternoon while Kaitlyn was at

Book Goals
Because I love books so much, I had additional, separate goals for this category.
1. Read 100 books in 2018.
The past two years I read more books than I had in previous years, 72 and 86 respectively. I thought 100 this year would be a stretch, especially since I am trying to spend more time writing, but apparently having older kids is a big help in gaining time for reading. I officially hit my goal of 100 books in September! Of course, I continued to read for the remainder of the year. My final total ended up being 136 books!
2. Read at least one book each month by a non-white author.
This was a challenging goal that I had to be purposeful about. I really enjoyed and appreciated the diversity of books I read in 2018.
October: Well-Read Black Girl, Ten Women, The Bold World
November: Woke Church
December: The Color of Compromise, Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted, Their Eyes Were Watching God, What We Talk About When We Talk About Rape
How did you do on your goal/s this year? Did you have a favorite goal? Which one was most challenging? Have you decided on a 2019 goal? Read about mine here.