We’re almost through 2020! I know circumstances probably won’t change too much until the middle of 2021, but I’ll be happy to enter a new year nonetheless. This month is supposed to be about family, friends, and gratitude. That didn’t end up really working out for us, but I still found things to celebrate. Check out my high points below. And, if you want to join me in Sharing Four Somethings, like up your own post over at HeatherGerwing.com.
Something Loved

My husband introduced me to the Pause app. He is reading through the connected book, but you don’t need the book to use the app. The app invites you to stop several times per day and spend some time in guided stillness and prayer. The app offers pauses of 1, 3, 5, or 10 minutes, but you have to use each time period three times before the longer amounts are unlocked to you.
I’ve been using the app for about six weeks now and I love it. I struggle to stop and rest normally and this has been the perfect opportunity to make it more of a daily routine. The app will notify you at specific times you set. The photos are beautiful nature pictures, the music is calming, and the voice is reassuring. I love this free app and highly recommend it.
Something Read

I haven’t had any luck finding an outstanding fiction read this month but you’re welcome to check out what I did read (@meganbyrdreads). I did, however, very much enjoy Always a Guest by Barbara Brown Taylor. I was initially skeptical about a book of sermons from BBT’s guest pastoring experiences, but I thoroughly enjoyed hearing her takes on well-known Bible passages. I liked that some of the messages were from specific parts of the Christian calendar like Lent and Advent but also covered cultural topics like election years. A great book that I would love to return to at specific times of the year to re-read BBT’s words.
Something Treasured

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) where one tries to write at least 50,000 words toward a new novel in these 30 days. If you follow me on Instagram (@mbyrd24), you’re probably quite aware of how it’s been going for me this year. (Spoiler alert: I hit 50,000 this past week and also finished the first draft of the manuscript.) What I appreciated last year and treasure even more this year is the Facebook group of writers who encourage, support, and offer advice throughout the month. Funny writing memes are posted along with questions about myriad topics and daily writing stats. I appreciate having a place to go where others understand the funny, frustrating, and exciting things that happen while writing a novel. It’s been especially good this year since I haven’t been able to do any in-person writing meet-ups.
Something Ahead

One thing I’m looking forward to this December is visiting the Biltmore and checking out its cheery Christmas decor. We went last year (pictured above) and all of the trees just made me so happy. I can’t wait to see them again! (The joys of living in Asheville.)
I’m looking forward to our family traditions as well – driving around to look at lights, watching all of the Christmas movies, putting puzzles together, baking cookies, etc. December is a time of joy and happiness in our household and we are going to create as much of it as we can this year.

Did your Thanksgiving look a little different than normal this year as well? Share how you were able to stay thankful and make memories anyway. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!