I’m chronicling my family’s journey to find community in our new city. This is our second month’s experience of our attempts to get to know our neighbors. Click the following links to read about the first or second month in our neighborhood. Or check out posts about looking for a church or finding friends.

Last night there was an ambulance on our street. I was concerned about our neighbor but didn’t have any contact information so I texted a couple of people to see if they knew anything today. I was concerned about whether the pet was being cared for so I finally just went over to the house and rang the doorbell. If no one answered, I was going to see if the door was unlocked to check on the animal. My neighbor came to the door, much to my relief. I tried not to pry but shared that I was glad to see they were home. I asked for their contact info and texted them mine in case they need anything.
The kids and I went next door and played basketball on the neighbor’s hoop. When I met her at the cookout she said we were welcome to use it whenever. Since the kids are signed up to play basketball this winter we are starting to practice a little.
This evening Adam and I walked a couple of laps around the loop. We saw K2 on our second one and chatted a bit. Her dog is very cute.
My neighbor texted me to thank me for checking in after the health incident. I offered to come over and hang out if they wanted company but they were going to try to go to work. I said I’d pray for their health.
We saw K2 again on our evening walk around the loop. She is still taking steps toward selling her house and moving to a tiny house.

On my way to run an errand with the kids, we saw S1. She said the kids’ pillows were finished and to stop by when we returned home. We walked down and chatted for a bit. The kids pet the cats. The reading pillows were super cute. It appears that pillows are S1’s thing. She makes them for a lot of people. That’s cool.
S1 had mentioned that B2’s out of town until the end of the week so I asked if she wanted to join us for dinner this evening. She agreed and came over for tacos. It was nice getting to talk to our neighbor. I figure the more we host, the more comfortable I’ll feel doing it. She invited me to go to the library book sale with her on Friday. That’s right up my alley.
I remembered that my mother-in-law will be in town on Friday so I had to cancel with S1. She realized that she also had an obligation that day so I guess that worked out.
I noticed a few days ago that we officially have a new neighbor two houses down. I wanted to make something to take over because it feels less awkward when you have baked goods to hand over. I knew we were making pumpkin bread today from a recipe given to me by R1 that makes three loaves at once and figured that’d be perfect. I made it while the kids were at school and we took it over after the kids got home. Our neighbor was home and introduced herself (J7). I learned a little about her. She was very friendly and invited us in to see her house and meet her cats. I gave her my business card and asked her to text me so I’d have her number, which she did.

On my way into the neighborhood this morning I saw my neighbor walking their dog and stopped to ask how they were doing. They said they’re almost fully recovered and going to a conference in S.C. on Sunday.
We spent the weekend in Atlanta catching up with friends. I texted our neighbor S1 on the way down Friday to ask her to check for packages on Saturday. I am glad I did because two showed up. When we got back this evening, she brought our packages to us. She’s very sweet.
As I was heading down to the bus stop to pick up the kids this afternoon, I saw J7 driving down the street. She stopped for a minute to talk. She was on her way to pick up a table and chairs for her house.
Month three is in the books. We’ve gotten busy toward the end of the month with my family visiting. I hope we’ll continue to look for opportunities to engage with the neighbors. How do you think we’re doing?
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