COVID-19 has seriously affected our desire to make connections in a local faith community. While it’s nice that technology allows us to experience church online, it’s not even close to the same as meeting in person each week. I am grateful that we had four weeks of life groups to make some initial connections, but it’s hard to grow deeper without the face-to-face interactions. I really hope that we are able to resume life groups by the fall so that we can continue to search for connections in our new church.

C6 and I Facetimed again this morning for our weekly meeting. They seem to be doing well, but she’ll have to go out for groceries soon. Her sister and other friends life in NYC which is concerning.
We had virtual church this morning. We chose to watch our old church’s service. The kids had a video for them to watch for church.
I texted some with C7 today.
I Facetimed with C6 this morning and we prayed and shared how our weeks had gone.
We watched church from our couch again. The kids watched their church video.

I Facetimed with C6 and we caught up on our weeks, ending the call in prayer.
I texted with T5 from life group. It’s her daughter’s birthday today. We sent books via Amazon for her kids in honor of the occasion. I’ve also been keeping up some with C7.
I wished C7 a happy birthday yesterday.
We watched church on the couch again. Our pastor’s backyard looks very inviting. I’m curious who owns the house the worship band records out of.
I mailed C7 a belated birthday card. When I asked for her address, it sounded familiar. I looked through my photos from house-hunting this past summer and realized that we looked at a house right across the street from them. We could have been neighbors! That would have been really awesome for this current strange time we’re in.

I didn’t have my weekly Facetime call with C6 because she had something come up. Hopefully, we will resume next week.
Our church sent out a form for people interested in leading a Life Group over the summer. I guess they are being optimistic and proactive. Our summers often involve travel that it’s hard to commit to anything with a weekly commitment. I would like to lead one in the fall to meet more people. We will see.
Have you been attending church online? Have you checked out other church services besides your regular church? Are you able to focus and worship as well as you did when you met at a building? Are you doing anything on your own to connect with God?
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