Lent is official over and Easter has arrived! I enjoyed keeping a journal of my experience of fasting from social media. It was helpful in processing my experience and figuring out what I hoped to achieve. Below is the second half of my experience. You can read about the first half here.
Day 28: Sixth email from Instagram. They’re down to once a week I guess.
Day 29: I received a second email from Twitter.
Day 30: Last night I dreamed that I opened Facebook on my phone. While it was loading I realized what I was doing and quickly closed the browser before I saw anything.
Day 31: It’s my daughter’s birthday today! I wish I could see my Facebook memories from previous years and also post a new one. Ah well, life.
Day 33: Seventh email from IG. Third email from Twitter. Two more weeks of Lent. I feel better about the idea of setting time limits for Facebook so that I don’t waste too much time on it. I am pondering not putting FB back on my phone so that I only access it on my computer. We’ll see how that goes. I have tried that before and given in.
I did get an emailed invite today to join a FB group for a new book. I wonder if that’s how I am supposed to access the book. I guess I will find out in two weeks.
Day 34: I received another email this morning from the book launch team. The book launches in May. The FB page will close on March 31st. I guess I will have to join the group before then. It will be a test of focus. I just have to go on, find the group, and click “join.” Shouldn’t be too hard. It can help me to not be legalistic. Following the spirit of the law is not always something I’m good at. Fourth email from Twitter.
Day 35: Eighth email from IG. Fifth email from Twitter. I logged in to FB via the group link I was sent so I was able to join the group and log back out without seeing my feed. Easy peasy. Though I did happen to see that I have plenty of notifications including at least one message and friend request. All of that will be dealt with in a couple of weeks. I’m thinking about not opening Facebook until April 2nd because I don’t want to spend all day of Easter staring at a screen.
Day 36: Sixth email from Twitter. Four days in a row. I wonder what they want me to see so badly.
Day 37: Ninth email from IG. It’s ramping back up in frequency. Seventh email from Twitter.
Day 38: Eighth email from Twitter. They really want me to check my notifications. I don’t really miss being on social media. I am on my phone less around the kids which helps me to be present and interact more meaningfully with them. I’m sure they appreciate that.
Day 39: Ninth email from Twitter. I also received an email from FB letting me know I was tagged in a post, probably from our cul-de-sac egg hunt.
Day 40: Tenth email from both IG and Twitter. I’m definitely used to not being on social media. I don’t really miss it but know I will have to be careful when I begin using it again next Sunday/Monday.
Day 41: Last week of Lent! I used to wonder how people who weren’t on social media felt. I definitely don’t feel like I’m missing out because I have no idea what is going on with others unless I purposefully connect with them. It reminds me of the olden days of my childhood, adolescence, and college years when I was blissfully ignorant of what everyone else was up to when I was not with them. I survived quite well pre-social media. I am at peace knowing how non-essential it is to most of my life.
Eleventh Twitter email. It has gotten annoying. Though I suppose the point is to get me to check my notifications and annoying me into acquiescence is a valid technique.
Day 42: 11th IG email.
Day 43: 12th IG email. Twitter seems to have finally given up but now IG is on a tear.
Day 44: Almost there! Three more days to go. Keeping Facebook off of my phone is still appealing to me. It will help me ease back into the world of social media. I don’t want to be as connected to it as I have been.
Conclusion: I successfully made it through the Lenten season without using social media (with the exception of signing up for a Launch Team private FB group but even then I didn’t see anything). My last two days of Lent we were traveling and in the mountains so I was too preoccupied to even think about what I might be missing. Easter Sunday was another travel day and I chose not to do anything other than put IG and Twitter back on my phone. I logged into IG and FB on Monday. I think I will enjoy having FB just on my computer though I will want to set a timer to make sure I don’t waste too much time on there. Right now I want to use it for my groups mainly, but I know it can be a slippery slope. If not for the internet-only connections, I could probably go without social media indefinitely. Though I did enjoy seeing a few cute Easter photos on Instagram.
Did you fast from or add anything during Lent? How did it go?
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