This has been our first whole month of staying at home full-time. Thankfully, the weather has been nice more days than not and we’ve been able to be outside a lot. It has given us lots of face time with our neighbors, which is nice. It also helped me to meet someone new who lives down the street. We also got a glimpse at the only people in our neighborhood we haven’t yet met. I am thankful that we do live somewhere where we can see other people from time-to-time. I think it would be harder to be more physically secluded from all people.

Yesterday was a sunny day so the kids and I walked the loop and saw neighbor K2.
We were outside this afternoon enjoying the sun and I saw K2 again as well as K1, S1, and B2. We all stayed a safe distance away from one another while we talked.
The kids and I went for a walk at the Arboretum to have some outside time since it’s gorgeous outside and we have a pass. The parking lot was full and we saw about two dozen people but spaced far apart. We saw K2 before and after our trip and I reported on the people situation at the Arboretum.
Adam and I went walking this afternoon. We saw K1 from a distance and waved Yesterday I saw K2 outside multiple times. She was enjoying the warm weather.
The kids and I were outside in the afternoon but didn’t see anyone. Our state is on mandatory lockdown (except for essential trips) as of five o’clock tonight. The Arboretum is now closed so there isn’t anywhere close to hike/walk. We will carry on.
Adam and I walked the loop and saw J2 and B1 outside. While watering the berry bushes I saw S1 and we talked for a little bit.
The kids and I were outside for awhile. I saw T1, K2, B1, K1, and S1 all out enjoying the sunny day.

Today the kids and I dropped off treats at a couple of our neighbors’ houses and I texted them so they knew.
We received a thank you note from one of the neighbors for the treats we dropped off.
Today the kids and I took a walk around the loop before lunch. Our elderly neighbor at the end of the street stopped us to chat for a bit. It was his first time meeting the kids. I’d met him at the HOA meeting in December.
In the evening, our family went outside to play basketball. We saw and chatted with D1 and M1 (L2 ran ahead). We also saw T2. She said J5 was on the list for NC State and got into UNCC, but it might not matter if schools aren’t open in the fall. We will see what happens in the next few months.
Adam and I walked the loop today. We talked to K1 when we passed her. We also saw S2 and S1 and said hi.
I went for a walk because it’s gorgeous out today and I needed some fresh air. I saw J7 down the street. I decided to walk the new loop and as I was walking along the road a dauschund started barking and running toward me from a driveway. His owner was running after him. I moved to block the dog from reaching the road but he stopped about ten feet away, laid down, and the owner picked him up. I said that I thought she had two girls that rode the bus and she confirmed she has a 2nd and 3rd grader. I pointed to where we lived and said mine are in 1st and 4th. I introduced myself and learned her name is S7 and she is a hairstylist who also works at the Marco’s Pizza we frequent. She is from AZ and used to homeschool the girls. I think when we can stand closer together again, we’ll all go say hello. Maybe the kids would enjoy playing together. We will see. I saw two other strangers while walking. J4 stopped by me in his car to say thanks for the treats. A very social walk.

Adam saw a cat on our back deck that looked like the one I’d received an email about from the HOA who was missing last week. I called S1 to see if it was still missing. She said she’d call the owners, who share part of a fence with us but we’ve never met because their driveway faces the road. Adam got the cat into our screened-in porch and read off the phone number from the cat’s collar. I called the owner directly and asked what he wanted us to do. He said that they’d been letting the cat out some and to let it go as they were headed back toward their house. We saw a man with a kid on his shoulders and a woman with a dog behind our fence near the road. When we let the cat go, it headed toward the back corner of our fence nearest its house.
How has your month gone? Have you seen more of your neighbors since nearly everyone is home these days? Have you met anyone new?