The church we were attending before the pandemic has been broadcasting online since March. In June they began a small group-like format where people gather together on Sunday mornings in people’s homes to watch church together. We haven’t felt comfortable taking that step yet so we’re still struggling with growing our church community.

I texted back and forth with C7 and learned that the Y in Hendersonville has an outdoor pool. The kids would love that.
This morning was gorgeous so we decided to check out a park in Fletcher we’d heard about. While there we saw S8, a woman who works in the kid zone at church. She was walking with her two kids. We made small talk for a bit.
After lunch, we sat on the couch and watched this week’s church service. Gather Homes are supposed to start next week. I’m still not keen on large groups.
I texted C7 to see whether they were joining a home group but she said she didn’t know much about it.
I texted back and forth with C7 about the pool in Hendersonville and asked how she was doing.

Adam said he saw our church pastors while he was at lunch with coworkers today.
I watched the Wednesday night message from our church pastor this evening. A day late but I keep forgetting about them. I learned that they are becoming once-a-month Wednesday night meetings and that this Sunday’s message will be a conversation between him and a member of our congregation about racism. I’m glad it is being addressed and am interested to watch it.
I watched our church on the back porch of the river house. I’m very thankful that we are talking about racism and our need as white people to pray, listen, and learn. After the service was over, I joined my mother-in-law and the kids inside for the last part of her church and to take communion.

I texted some with C7 this afternoon.
C6 texted to check in and we caught up a little bit.
We watched church on tv from our couch. The kids watched their church video as well.

I texted with C7 and T5 today asking how they were doing. Neither has joined a Gather Home but seemed interested in hanging out and picnicking for Sunday lunch so maybe we’ll try to get that to happen on a sunny Sunday.
I texted some with C7.
We were at the beach today so we listened to worship music on the radio and marveled at God’s beautiful creation. We didn’t watch this week’s message.
I texted with C7 to see if she might be interested in meeting us at the pool one day to hang out. She said she was going to have some kid-free time. Maybe we can get it to work out another time.

It was another unconventional month of church which has been frustrating for us. I have kept up some with people via texts, but we haven’t really been able to connect with anyone as a family. What has your church situation been like? Have you begun meeting in person again?
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