The lack of in-person social interactions has been challenging and somewhat frustrating. I definitely hit a wall at one point this past month. We’re all navigating new territory, so a lot of grace and patience are needed. I know, for us, a new level of creativity has been reached to find ways to interact with others.

I signed the kids up for Messenger Kids to try to give them some social time with other kids. Today they spent some time trying to figure out what it does and who they can chat with.
A woman I met at the NaNoWriMo library celebration event in December messaged me to see if my kids wanted an unopened Dominoes play set. She dropped it off at our mailbox today. We said “hi” from a distance, of course. I stuck it in my room to save for when the kids need something new to help pass all of our at-home time.
The kids are enjoying their virtual connections with friends.

I saw R1’s vehicle when I went to the grocery store but learned it was her husband doing the shopping. I hadn’t seen him while I was in the store. I dropped off a book at her front door. She came out to her second-story balcony and we talked for a couple of minutes before I headed home to unload the groceries.
I texted some with R1 and K4.
I emailed back and forth with R1 today. I talked on the phone with a GA friend.
Today I feel like I’ve hit a wall. I’ve been doing pretty well with the whole stay-at-home thing but now I am in a blah, slightly depressed frame of mind. I miss my weekday alone time. I am not spending time on writing and I miss it. Maybe that’s the key for me.
An ATL friend texted me to see if I wanted to walk and talk on the phone tomorrow, kind of like the hikes we used to take, so that’s on the docket. I’ve continued to Voxer with R1 to catch up.
I walked and talked on the phone with my friend from GA. That was enjoyable.
We dropped treats off at the L’s house. We talked a little bit from about thirty feet apart. I think the kids enjoyed getting to see them in person.
In the evening we played Drawful with some GA friends. Adam figured out how to get everyone to see the screen and we played three rounds. It was a lot of fun, though it wasn’t quite as good as being face-to-face with them.

R1 and I Voxered some yesterday. It was nice to hear her voice again. My GA friend suggested we walk and talk on Wednesday. Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can do that.
I Voxered with R1 throughout the week.
We played Drawful with our GA friends again.
Kaitlyn and I did a yoga stretch exercise session on FB live with an instructor from our YMCA. I sent Voxer messages to R1 while I walked the loop around my house.

I checked in with R1 as I hadn’t heard from her all weekend. It was nice to connect again.
There have been lots of virtual connections over the past month. It has been nice connecting some with old friends in Georgia. Right now any connection is good for my mental health. How have you been connecting with your friends?
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