We’ve reached the end of our kids’ summer vacation. My two officially start school on Monday. I’m not excited about the early wake up time and all the alarms I have to set, but I’m looking forward to getting back into a routine. And we’re only a week away from college football! I know that doesn’t excite everyone, but it also signals the countdown to autumn, which I love. Before my brain thinks about colorful leaves, pumpkins, and bonfires, I want to share some things from this past month along with all my friends who take part in the monthly Share Four Somethings link-up with Heather Gerwing.
Something Loved

We had a family wedding this past month. It was an outdoor wedding, with the reception in an enormous tent with a live band. The weather was perfect, and it was great catching up with a bunch of people we hadn’t seen since last year’s family wedding. We danced and ate and talked and laughed all night. It’s always wonderful to be part of a celebration of love and I look forward to doing it again next year!
Something Gleaned

My grandmother-in-law is well known for her angel food cakes. I was gifted the recipe and tools needed to make it myself years ago, but hadn’t tried to make it until I put it on our Summer To-Do list a few months ago. I read the recipe, gathered the ingredients, and went for it. It looked amazing when it came out of the oven, but ended up falling/sliding out of the pan and becoming a crumbly disaster. It tasted good, which was something. I sought my mother-in-law’s help in figuring out what the problem was with my attempt. After discussions with her mother, and a text containing my MIL’s version of the recipe (which differed slightly from the one I received) we decided it was probably because the egg whites weren’t room temperature and/or not whisking them until frothy (neither of which were in my original recipe). My second try turned out completely successful, including being light and tasty. I’m confident that I will make delicious angel food cakes in the future.
Do you make an amazing sweet treat? Share the recipe with me in the comments!
Something Saved

The last Monday of each month I post memes on my Facebook page. As such, I tend to screenshot and save funny ones I find online. I’ll include a few from this month’s stash for your enjoyment. If we’re FB friends, come see the rest on the 29th!
Something Achieved

I spent a good portion of this month working on the book that’s coming out next month. I worked on the cover and interior formatting to make sure the paperback version looks right. I ordered a proof copy to see how my attempts turned out and was overall pleased with how it looks. I made a few changes and hope to be satisfied with everything so that I can get everything set for the book’s release.

What was something awesome or interesting that happened to you this month?
What a beautiful family you have, Megan! Weddings are such wonderful celebrations! I did not know angel food cake eggs needed to be room temperature which probably explains why our angel food cake muffins are sometimes fluffy and sometimes flat. Thanks for the tip! Congratulations on your new book! Rejoicing with you!
Thank you! Hopefully all of your future muffins will be super fluffy! Another tip I learned – make sure the egg whites are whipped until very foamy.
Lovely family photo! The cake looks super yummy as well. I hope the launch of your book goes well. Have a great month!
The cake was pretty tasty. Thanks! I’ll report back at the end of September how everything went.
Beautiful family photo Megan! Glad you finally got the angel food cake under your culinary belt, and a big congratulations on the book publishing!!
Thank you! I feel pretty good having conquered the angel food cake.
Congrats on your book – that’s so exciting! And kudos for sticking with “Operation Angel Cake”! I’m so sure I would have said, “told you so” and been done with it. Sad but true. That second one does look picture perfect! (Now, I want cake!)
I like a good challenge sometimes, as long as it doesn’t seem impossible.
baking an angel food cake from scratch and having it come out delicious AND beautiful is quite an achievement in my book! Congrats also on YOUR book coming out soon!
Thank you on both accounts!