We’ve now spent over a month in quarantine here in our home. I am quite grateful for the basement and that my kids have done so well with the transition to virtual learning. We have managed to find a decent weekday routine to keep us sane and on-track. I am glad to have the opportunity to think about the good things from this past month. Read on for a few of my favorite things.
Something Loved
I have been trying to make exercise part of my weekday routine so I put on my exercise gear when I wake up to help motivate me to get it in. This means I’ve been living in yoga pants most of the time. My favorite pair (left) is from Gap but they’ve changed their yoga pant styles since I bought them. They do still have awesome racerback tanks that I love to exercise in (I own five in various colors). This past winter I found a second pair (right) I love at Belk by the brand Zelos. Comfy yoga pants are keeping me happy and in shape while I’m stuck at home. Do you have a favorite brand of yoga pants? What is keeping you going right now?
Something Read
This year I’m trying to read more books on my actual shelf. This month I picked up the only other fiction book about reading I own that I haven’t yet read, The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman. I loved it! The protagonist has grown up an only child with an absent mother but enjoys her tidy, scheduled life comprised of work at a book store, book clubs, trivia nights, and her cat Phil. When she learns that her (previously unknown) father has died and left her with siblings and extended family, she has to determine whether they can fit into her structured life along with the handsome (but probably poorly-read) guy on an opposing trivia team. A very entertaining and enjoyable read that will have you adding TBRs to your Goodreads account. For info on the 14 other books I’ve finished so far this month, head over to my IG account @meganbyrdreads. Has your reading gone up while staying at home? Finished anything good?
Something Treasured
As you may or may not be aware, I have been working on my first novel. I have been editing it and trying to get it into a polished form to submit to potential agents. I have thoroughly enjoyed the story but worried that others may not find it as entertaining. I sent a draft off to two trusted people in hopes of receiving some feedback to help make it better. My mom was one of those people. When I spoke with her this month, she mentioned that she was almost through the book and, while it wasn’t her favorite genre (contemporary romance), she was enjoying the story. This encouraged me so much and has given me more motivation to getting it to the place where I feel confident sending it out for additional feedback and professional consideration. I treasure my mother for many reasons, but this month it’s especially for her support of my writing (and willingness to read my drafts).
Something Ahead
We really don’t have anything on our calendar in May. It will be more virtual school, time in nature hiking or picnicking, and quality family time. However, next month does contain my birthday so that’s something to look forward to. I’m not anticipating a big celebration, but hope it means having new books show up in my mailbox and some kind messages from friends and family. We’ll find a way to celebrate. Have you or someone in your family had a birthday while we’ve been at home? If so, how was it celebrated?
That’s the recap from our first full month at home. Please share something you’ve treasured from your own experience this past month or so. If you want to read more S4S, head over to HeatherGerwing.com. Consider joining me for next month’s SFS on May 23rd!
Jennifer Smith says
How exciting…working on a novel! And what a blessing to have your mom around – they are always our greatest cheerleaders!! (I miss my cheerleader!) Happy (early) birthday wishes….here’s to all the new books!!:)
meganbyrd says
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I’m sorry that your mom is no longer with you.
Laurie says
Wait, what? You’ve finished 15 books this month? You are my hero. Sadly, I am not on IG. I need some good book recommendations. The one you reviewed here looks interesting. Good luck with your novel!
meganbyrd says
I didn’t think it had been that many, but my account doesn’t lie. I guess I’ve gotten in more reading than usual. You can also find my book reads on my Goodreads account: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/50906218-megan-byrd
Teresa Akrish says
I enjoyed your comments. I spoke to your mom and she thought I would enjoy your new book. Hope to see when published. Sounds like she has quite the curriculum going for the other grandkids. All these children will be so well educated.
meganbyrd says
I’ve started looking for an agent to represent the book. If I am successful, then we’ll be one step closer to its publication. If not, I can always look into doing it myself. We will see!
Heather Gerwing says
I have so much to say! I found a pair of leggings at TJ MAX this year that I really like, but they are thick/heavier for winter and I’m afraid, I won’t be able to wear them when it gets warm. I am so excited about the novel and can’t wait to read it! And Happy Early Birthday!!!
meganbyrd says
I appreciate your encouragement! I’m predicting a low key birthday this year. 😛
Kym says
How exciting about your novel and the encouraging feedback from your mom! I hope your birthday celebration is a lot of fun, even if it must be low key. Our son’s fiancee had a birthday at the end of March (she lives with us) and we had originally planned her baptism for that Sunday and a big party. 🙁 Instead we had a big family dinner (her choice of meal) and had a couple of friends join us.
meganbyrd says
I’m sorry that such wonderful plans had to be changed for your family and future DIL. I hope that the baptism can happen soon!