I feel that this area of community has had the most progress. It probably helps that friendship can be found in multiple locations and parts of life. This month we did more inviting than previously which is sometimes awkward but generally good. To read how it all started, click here.

This morning the kids and I met up with the L family at the Y. K4, C4, Kaitlyn and I took the Hip Hop Fitness class while Jackson and A6 played together in the kid zone and E4 did his own thing (Adam was at work). The class was challenging but fun. The L’s neighbor N2 took the class (she is also a Y Zumba instructor whose class we’re planning to take on Monday and member of the school PTO so I have seen her around quite a bit but don’t know if we’ve been formally introduced before today). I also saw J3. We had talked about which classes we take and I knew this was one of them so I looked for her and then said hey. R1 was working so Kaitlyn and I talked to her a bit before class and tried to figure out when we can hagn out. Maybe next week?
Kaitlyn and I met K4 and C4 at the Y for N2’s Zumba class this morning. It was fun but once again took a while to get out of my head. As we were leaving I saw that R1’s kids were in the kid zone. I texted her to see if she was there but she responded that A5 had taken them so she could have a break.
R1 and I texted back and forth to set up a time to get together with the kids tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing her outside of the Y.
The kids and I met up with R1 and her kids at a playground this afternoon. The kids seemed to have fun playing together. We were there for an hour and a half and, even though it was cold, the kids were all sad to leave. I enjoyed catching up with R1.
Two Atlanta friends and I are having a January accountability group via text.

Friday afternoon the kids and I went to a movie. We tried to get some friends to join us but no one was available.
Yesterday we went to the gym in the morning. I saw N1 there and talked to her for a little bit. Adam saw someone he knew from work when he first lived here.
I texted E1 to see if her family wanted to come over and hang out next Saturday. I’m waiting to hear if they’re available.
E1 texted me back about Saturday. They have plans which could be canceled due to the rain in the forecast. So we’re up in the air at the moment.
K4 texted me and said the girls had been talking about a sleepover and did Kaitlyn want to spend the night on Friday. I asked Kaitlyn about it and she said that she didn’t think it would happen so quickly but she did want to, so we set that up.
R1 and I were texting about getting together tomorrow.
I met R1 at Mosaic this morning to catch up and start our discussion of the book we’re reading (Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons). I’m interested to see how the discussion goes and the book applies to us individually. So far it has asked us to take a personal inventory and a two-week social media fast. It’s an action-oriented book, which I’m liking.
I’ve been trying to figure out who Adam’s met at Jackson’s basketball practice so tonight I asked the guy sitting next to me if he’d met a guy named Adam. He had not so I am still in the dark. At least I tried. Maybe this Saturday the mystery will be solved.

Last night and this morning I received texts from two Atlanta friends. It made me feel good to know they were thinking about me.
Today was Creative Writing Group. There were five of us there, one new person. She seemed to enjoy the experience. I think I’ve finally lost my nervousness about sharing. We are all so different in our styles that there’s no real desire to compare myself to anyone else.
I heard from E1 last night saying they can come over tomorrow afternoon. We also found out that Adam’s parents will be in for the kids’ basketball games. A full social calendar!
This morning I went to the kids’ school for Coffee with the Principal. I figured it might be a way to get to know people. A few of the PTO leaders were there so I recognized some faces. I didn’t end up really talking to anyone though.
I headed to the gym afterward and asked R1 if she wanted to eat lunch together. She was game so I picked something up and met her at her place after her shift was over. We ate and talked. A5 came in while I was there and talked a bit.
This afternoon I took Kaitlyn’s bag over to the L’s for her sleepover. I talked with E4 and K4 for awhile and Jackson played with A6 until we left.
When we went to dinner tonight, we saw the Rs at dinner.
It was a busy day. Adam’s parents showed up and joined us for Jackson’s game. I met the mom Adam’s talked to at practice finally. I saw one of Kaitlyn’s coaches and realized she has girls on both of our kids’ teams as well. That’s three families with kids on both teams (including ours)! As we were leaving the gym I saw R1. She and A5 were taking a seminar. We drove to the L’s house and picked up Kaitlyn.
After all basketball and Adam’s parents left, the Rs came over. The kids disappeared upstairs and the adults hung out and talked. They stayed for dinner and we played a couple of rounds of Codename Pictures. It was a nice evening.

Tomorrow I’m meeting R1 early at the gym to go through her workout routine with her. I’m a little nervous but I think it’ll be good doing something different.
I met R1 at her place around 8 this morning. She was not feeling up for the gym so we went walking on the trails in her neighborhood. It was nice to walk and talk with a friend. I had a friend in GA who I’d walk or hike with most weeks and I miss it. R1 and I got caught in the rain a bit. Afterward, we discussed the book chapters we’d read. It was a really encouraging time.
I stopped into the library to pick up two books I had on hold and saw R1. She was getting books for her kids. We talked for a bit. Fun and random. I also saw A4.
I went to the gym this morning to take a Pilates class. I waved at R1 on the way in. I had a few minutes before class so I walked the indoor track. One of my last laps I saw a woman in the window to the main workout area who looked familiar. I finished walking the loop and decided to try to find her before my class. I saw her waiting for the STRONG class and said hi, reintroducing myself. I was right that it was A3. She said that she’d been going to the Fletcher Y a lot. I had been looking for her since our last encounter so was glad to finally see her. Unfortunately, I had to get to class so we couldn’t chat long. In class, I set up next to a woman R1 had said I should meet. We introduced ourselves and chatted a bit before the class started. After class A7 came up and said hi. I saw his wife P1 on the way out who said I needed to come back to TRX. I talked with R1 a bit before I headed home. I’m definitely making connections at the Y.
The kids and I met K4 and kids at the Y this morning. The boys were in kid zone and the ladies all took the Zumba class. When I picked up J after class I realized he was playing with L3. I saw G3 and assumed A5 had brought them as R1 had said she wasn’t feeling well on Sunday. The L’s followed us home. The kids stayed an played together while K4 went home to get some work done and gather swim apparel. When she returned, we all loaded up and headed back to the Y to enjoy the last hour of open swim. The kids really seemed to enjoy it as they both said they want to go back to the pool.

R1 came over and we caught up for a bit before discussing the book we’re reading together. I enjoyed seeing how the answers to the book questions were different for each of us.
I talked with Adam about having people over for the Super Bowl in a couple of weeks. He was agreeable to it so I texted R2 to see if her family might be interested. She responded that A5 is game, which is exciting.
I’ve been to the gym for the last two days and have seen R1. I also saw N1 and said I’d try to be at TRX tomorrow.
I went to TRX this morning and saw A7, P1, and N1. It was a new instructor to me. There was a first-timer in there. After class, I asked how she liked it and we chatted for a little bit. I talked to R1 at the desk as well as another employee, L3, who was trying to get me to play pickleball.

We’re starting to gain some traction I feel like. Hopefully, next month will bring even more connections and possibly even some new ones. Stay tuned!
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