This month we signed up for a Life Group (or two) and began getting together with people from our church. We’re hoping it will help us feel more connected to the church and our community. If you’re new to this series, you can read the first post to get caught up on how the process has gone.

Tonight was the Newcomer’s Dinner with the church. When we got to the room I was surprised at how many people were in attendance (52, I think they said at the end). Our part of the room ended up being a lot of twenty-somethings which I found encouraging church-wise. We talked to the people around us and encouraged them to sign up for a life group.
When we walked up to church this morning, one of the greeters remembered my name. It was the woman who we’d met outside at the Worship Night. I stopped to talk with her for a few minutes while Adam checked the kids into kid zone. I know she lives in Hendersonville, is a dental hygienist, and has two kids (2 and 5). We also saw one of the couples we’d met at the Newcomer’s Dinner. When we picked up the kids after service we saw E5, C5, and P2.
When Adam was home for lunch he said that he thought there was a church life group that will meet during the day. I scrolled through the list and found a Friday morning group that meets at a Starbucks. It’s co-ed but would probably be mostly or all women because of the time. I am thinking about going at least to the first one just to check it out.
We went to church but didn’t really talk to anyone. We learned that next week is the church’s four-year anniversary.

Adam and I spent part of the evening trying to see if we could find our Life Group members on Facebook to see what they looked like. We had minimal success.
I looked at the group info for Friday morning’s life group. Right now it is me and two other women signed up which sounds like a nice small size.
We had our first Life Group tonight. There were fourteen adults and eight kids. There was a 17-year-old who hung out with the adults. We introduced ourselves and played a couple of games. I learned that there are a couple of other SAHMs in the group. We learned some interesting facts about others by playing Two Truths and a Lie. Adam found out that he and another guy were born in the same hospital. He had also seen the same guy at the gym this morning. I am hoping that this will be a good group and we can get to know the members better.
I went to the Starbucks Life Group this morning. It ended up being just me and the leader, C6, but two other women may join us in the future. We talked and got to know each other a bit. I learned that she is also a writer and a book lover. Hopefully, it will end up being a good group. We prayed together before we left. I plan to go back next week.

We skipped church and met our GA friends in Murphy, NC instead. It turned out to be perfect weather for what we needed. We spent most of our time together at a park so the kids could run around and play. It was a fun surprise for the kids and nice to catch up with our own friends. We missed celebrating the church’s anniversary but we all needed to get away from town for a bit.
We had our second Life Group tonight night. We played Taboo as a group. I spent some time talking with C7. I got a bit excited when I learned she likes to thrift shop. She’s a SAHM, goes to the Y, and lives not too far from us. Her husband is the guy who was born in the same hospital as Adam. We exchanged numbers and friended one another on FB. My first solid church connection!
C7 messaged me this morning, saying there was no school for her 3yo (my kids’ school was canceled last night) but that it was probably just going to rain. I said it meant I could go to the gym. She asked what I would be doing and then decided to come take the class with me. It was a challenging class.
Afterward, I took the kids up to the track to run around for a bit and then decided to find someone to borrow a phone from (I left mine at home). I saw C7 so I used hers to call Adam and let him know I was phoneless. She and I then talked for a little while before the kids and I left to run errands. We were all going to meet up at Books For Good but it ended up being closed.

Adam and Jackson went to church today. Adam said he talked to one of the pastors but didn’t see anyone from group. Kaitlyn and I were in Charlotte and went to Elevation Church. I really enjoyed the experience. Kaitlyn said she enjoyed the kids’ class.
I feel like some promising connections have been made. We’ll see if future weeks lead to stronger relationships.
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