It’s been a full year in Asheville! I was hoping to have made a few more connections by now but was obviously hindered by COVID-19. I have been thankful for the few connections made in our first six months that have helped keep me sane in the last six. I have also appreciated the contact from old friends in our last city which has helped a great deal with feeling connected. If you want to see how far we’ve come, check out my first month’s post.

We stopped by the library to pick up some library books and I saw A4 and said hey. I commented that her hair looked nice and she said that she’d gotten some color and bangs.
I had a Zoom call with a GA friend yesterday. It was really nice to catch up and share what’s going on. She asked if I’d be interested in doing it again next month and I said yes.
I Voxered R1 and then texted to see if she had been receiving my messages. She said she hadn’t been receiving notifications.
I saw K4 when I picked Kaitlyn up from Playground Stage camp. She asked about the girls making their movies and I said the weekend should work so we will see.

K4 texted to let me know she and the kids are signed up for a family camp at the Arboretum if we want to join them.
The kids were not interested in the camp so I told K4 we were passing.
I received a Voxer message from R1 and responded.
I went to the library to pick up a book and talked to A4 for a bit. I let her know I had finally started working on my second book.
Adam went out for drinks with a few coworkers after work.
We saw K4 and E4 at the kids’ musical performance and hashed out the details for the girls getting together and working on the sheepie movie.
I dropped Kaitlyn off at the L’s house so she and C4 could film in the garage with the door open and them both wearing masks. When I picked her up, K4 said she would be fine with the girls filming tomorrow so we talked over dinner and decided Kaitlyn could go over for a bit in the morning.
I took Kaitlyn to the L’s house for another few hours of sheepie filming. I talked to K4 when I dropped Kaitlyn off and E4 when I picked her up.
I texted R1 to see if I could stop by for a bit to chat but it didn’t work out.
R1 texted me about coming over in the morning and sitting out front to chat for a bit.
R1 came over this morning and we sat on my porch and talked for about forty-five minutes from a safe social distance. It was nice to be face-to-face again.

R1 and I texted back and forth.
I texted R1, K4, and E1.
E1 suggested riding bikes or walking at Biltmore next week.
I texted E1 to try to coordinate hanging out. We’re hoping for Thursday afternoon.
I received and sent Voxer messages with R1. She said she’s almost through reading my novel.
I participated in a Zoom call for my creative writing group. A4 was there along with a new person.
E1 texted me to say that she got a pool time for all of us tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.
E1 and I have been texting about the pool. The weather is currently not cooperating with us. Hopefully it will improve.
We met and drove to the pool but it was thundering so we piled back in our cars and drove to a nearby park where the kids played while we talked. We will try for a pool day again in a couple of weeks.
R1 sent me a Voxer and I sent one back. Hopefully, we can get together in a week or two.
I feel stuck in my ability to form new connections at the moment. I am doing my best to content myself with deepening the ones I do have. It’s a challenge to find ways to get together, especially as school is drawing nearer and will limit our time and ability to schedule with others. Perhaps being virtual for at least the first six weeks will be a blessing that does actually give us more opportunities. Only time will tell. How have you engaged with your friends during the pandemic? What has been the most meaningful interaction or experience for you in the past six months?
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