Making connections in our everyday lives has been fairly successful for us thus far. If you’re just tuning into this series for the first time, you may want to start with the first post about making friends in our new city.

The kids and I went to the library this afternoon and I talked with A4 for a little bit. She asked if I was recovering from illness the last time I was in and I was confused for a bit before realizing she meant the day I saw R1 after my dental procedure. It was sweet of her to notice.
R1 and I texted back and forth to figure out our meet up for tomorrow.
R1 and I had to delay our meeting due to a 2-hour school delay. I got the kids on the bus and then went to the gym to exercise. After we both finished, we went to Mosaic for beverages and to talk about the book. We also discussed plans and food for the Super Bowl on Sunday.
When we walked into the restaurant for a church event, we saw one of Adam’s co-workers at the bar so we talked to him for a few minutes.
We went to dinner at Sierra Nevada with Adam’s work team to celebrate one of his employees getting a new position within the company. I met some new people and their wives and kids. It was kind of fun socializing. I found someone to talk books with which helped a lot.
Before Jackson’s game this morning I talked for a while to J9, one of the parents with kids on both basketball teams. They moved up here from Atlanta about the same time that we moved to Atlanta. His wife lived in and around Kansas City growing up (I lived in St. Joseph, about an hour north). We had a decent amount of experiential overlap which made for easy conversation. Jackson and his teammate (J9’s youngest) played together during their older siblings’ game. Too bad the family lives in Fairview.

R1, A5, and the kids came over to watch the Super Bowl with us. We had delicious food and kept ourselves entertained with prop bets. The kids ate and then disappeared upstairs for most of the evening. I thought it was an enjoyable time.
I went to Zumba this morning and talked to N2 out in the hall before class started. She is so energetic and full of life. She’s a perfect Zumba teacher. I talked to R1 for a little bit after class and saw A5 on the way out to my car.
R1 and I met at the gym. We exercised together and then went to Mosaic to discuss the last section of the book. It was a good read. We talked about getting the kids together to decorate Valentine’s-themed cookies and settled on Friday afternoon.
K4 and I were texting this morning about the girls and their sleepover at another classmate’s house and she asked if I wanted to go to lunch just the two of us sometime in the next couple of weeks. I said that would be great.
I texted some with a Georgia friend who said she wanted to come visit and set a tentative date. I really hope it works out. I’d love to spend the weekend being tourists together.
I dropped Kaitlyn off at her sleepover this afternoon. She has been excited about it ever since we told her she could go a week ago. It was a group of five girls. Kaitlyn disappeared as soon as we arrived. I met the mom and talked to her a bit. I was a little nervous about the whole thing but knowing C4 was also going meant there was some familiarity.

I saw R1 at the gym and firmed up our afternoon plans.
Jackson and I met Kaitlyn and all of the sleepover girls at Wendy’s for lunch. I invited one of the other parents to sit and eat with us since all of the girls were sitting together. We chatted some over lunch.
R1 and the kids came over in the afternoon to decorate sugar cookies. Then the kids went upstairs to play for a while. I think they had a good time.
I saw R1 at the gym. She was on her way out. I said hi to N2 at the beginning of Zumba class.
K4 texted me to ask about our summer schedule. I guess her kids attend camps and wanted to see if we could coordinate and maybe get the kids in one together.
I texted E1 to see how she was doing and to invite her to get together for lunch sometime. We are tentatively scheduled for next Thursday.
I saw R1 at the gym and was able to talk to her for a bit. It was pretty busy at the desk.
I checked in with my GA friend about her potential visit and she said she could come so I have something to look forward to next month.
Adam was texting with the father of Kaitlyn’s GA best friend and they’re trying to figure out how to get everyone together this coming Sunday. It would be great fun if it works out.
The kids and I went to the library this afternoon. I saw A4 and talked to her for a little bit. She said there were six people at the creative writing group on Wednesday (I obviously was unable to make it).
I picked R1 up this morning and we went to the Arboretum to walk the trails before the rain started. We got nearly four miles in and stayed dry. It was really nice feeling secluded from civilization for a bit.
I received a note in the mail today from one of the people I’d sent a note to last month. It was a very pleasant surprise. She expressed interest in being pen pals so we’ll see how it goes.

I saw R1 when we arrived at the gym. I saw N2 in the locker room and asked if she was taking a class. She said she was taking the same class I was. When I got upstairs I talked a little to D4, the instructor for the class.
R1 and I have been texting about reading another book together.
E1 and I were supposed to have lunch today but canceled because of school being closed.
School was canceled again today so I texted E1 to see if she and the girls wanted to meet for lunch today. She was game so we all met at Culver’s early enough to beat the lunch rush. The kids were getting a little crazy after food so I suggested they come over to play. E1 had some errands to run first so they came over afterward. The kids enjoyed playing together. It was nice to catch up with E1.
I texted K4 to verify that we’re still on for lunch tomorrow. R1 picked a book for us to read together next. We’ll hopefully get together Tuesday.
I met K4 for lunch today. It was nice to get to know her a little more. We talked some about the past weekend and potentially getting the girls together again soon.
I’ve been texting with R1 about tomorrow. She’s not feeling well so we may postpone to next week.
I went to the library to clear up an issue and talked to A4. She confirmed that she had been in the Mardi Gras parade our family attended downtown Sunday afternoon. She asked if I would be at the next writing group.

A fairly social month for us. Now that we also have a weekly Life Group, our time with other people should pick up even more. I’m feeling fairly positive on the friend front.
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