I had the opportunity to test out a new game with my family called Flocked! by DEZ Games. There are two modes of playing the game: Big Shepherd and Little Shepherd. It was recommended that we start with Little Shepherd as it’s shorter and helps new players to get a good feel for the game. The goal is to be the first player/shepherd to acquire a certain number of sheep while keeping them well-fed and protecting them from predators, robbers and sickness.
My son (4) and daughter (7) were both interested in playing the game after it arrived in the mail so I read the instructions and we played it to the best of my understanding. As a visual learner (and rule follower) I wanted to make sure we were doing it correctly so I sought some clarification from the game master. He gave great feedback and the second time we played it went very smoothly.
My son cannot yet read so he kept his cards face up for all rounds and we helped him figure out which plays he wanted to make. My daughter had no trouble playing without assistance. In fact, both of my children each won at least one game.
The graphics of the cards were visually appealing. My son preferred the adversity cards (as he’s into bad guys and wanted to steal everyone’s weapons) and wasted no time using them against the rest of us (only two per round per the rules, of course). It seems that much of one’s potential for success is in the luck of the card draw (whether you are able to acquire a powerful weapon or a dog to protect your flock). I’m sure playing with four people (especially four adults) would make for more drama during game play.
I really like that the game can be played with only two people as my husband and I are always on the lookout for games we can play once the kids are in bed. I love games that can be played with my children (my daughter asked to play it every day of our trial use). I also like that there are two modes of play. You can play Little Shepherd mode quickly if you have limited time or are playing with young children or Big Shepherd if you want more challenge and a longer game. It is a fun game of strategy for all ages.
The Kickstarter campaign begins Tuesday, June 6th. It would make a fun addition to your game closet. Check it out and help it receive full funding!
Are you bringing a copy of this new game out to your parents when you visit them?
It can’t be purchased yet. When the Kickstarter campaign is successful it will become available for purchase.