“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” (Prov. 16:9, NIV)
Making plans for the future is good. Deciding on a specific direction for our career and personal lives is healthy. We should keep in mind, however, that God is ultimately in control, which means that our plans may not come to pass. This isn’t discouraging because we know that God is loving, faithful, and gracious. We can trust that he has good plans for us.
I’m confident that God will work out what’s best for me. I avoid potential heartache by seeking God’s wisdom regarding my plans. If I ask, he can align my heart with what’s best. I submit all of my plans to God in prayer, knowing he loves me and knows what is for my good and his glory.
I know that God does not callously thwart my plans. I trust that there are reasons the things I hope for don’t happen. I don’t often know why he says no, but I choose to believe it’s because he has something better in mind. I may never know why things don’t work out the way I think is best, but I can look at the results of God’s path and search for the blessings it brought.
I lived in Georgia for thirteen years. When we moved to Atlanta for my husband’s job, we assumed we’d be there for a few years before moving somewhere else as promotions transported him to various cities around the country.
Read the rest of the devotional at The Glorious Table.
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