A few years ago I implemented a personal policy where I would give a book two chapters to engage me and get me interested enough to want to learn how the story ends. If I wasn’t hooked by the end of chapter two, then I gave myself permission to stop reading and try another one. There are so many good books out there that I don’t want to waste precious reading time on mediocre or bad books.
Distorted had me riveted from the beginning and kept me guessing until the very end. It was very engaging and had me constantly questioning Mallory’s team and their motives. I didn’t want to put it down and breezed through it in just a few days (pausing only to do responsible adult things like care for my children). If you like suspense with a little bit of romance, then Distorted (available on June 20th) is definitely the book for you!
Mallory Baldwin is rescued from a year of horror as a human trafficking victim by Navy SEAL Tennyson Walker. Two years later, after rehabilitation and therapy, Mallory is embarking on a book and speaking tour around the country with the hopes of encouraging and helping other women who were trafficking victims. She no longer wants to be a victim, but a victor.
However, just as the tour is getting ready to kick off, Mallory begins receiving unsettling emails. Although she knows her captor was killed in her rescue, she begins to wonder if somehow Dante Torres survived after all and is planning to come back for her.
Mallory’s agent enlists Tennyson Walker as lead security for Mallory during her tour to ensure that nothing bad happens. The intensity of the email threats begin to escalate and bodies of murdered women branded with the symbol of Torres’s former organization are showing up at each tour stop.
Who is really behind the emails? Is Torres still alive and tracking Mallory down? Who can Mallory trust? Will she ever truly be free of her past?
I see there’s a giveaway for a free copy of the book on Goodreads until June 19th. Go enter for your chance to win!
Disclaimer: I received a free Kindle copy of the book in return for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions are completely my own and not influenced by the publisher, author and/or an affiliate in any way.
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