Hi there! Want to make sure you receive all of my emails so you don’t miss any announcements or special treats just for newsletter subscribers? Then please take a few seconds and follow the instructions below. Thanks!
For non-Gmail users:
If you’re using an email service other than Gmail, please visit whitelist.guide and choose your email provider.
For Gmail users:
If you use Gmail, there’s a foolproof way to make sure all of the emails of a specific sender end up in your Primary Inbox. It is fast and easy, but can only be done in a browser not an app. Please follow the steps below.
First, click the three dots in the right-hand corner of the email and then choose “Filter messages like this.”
Next, make sure the “From” line says “megan@meganbyrd.net” and click “Create filter.”
Finally, check “Never send it to Spam,” Categorize the email as “Primary,” check “Also apply filters to matching conversation(s),” and click “Create filter” again.
That’s it! Now you can enjoy receiving the emails you signed up for.