I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. (Psalm 69:30 NIV)
Throughout Scripture we see David praising and worshipping God in a variety of ways—playing the harp, dancing to music, and writing psalms. The psalms are authentic and unfiltered expressions of emotion directed at God. David expressed joy, sorrow, frustration, delight, and comfort through them. He felt free to be completely honest with God because of their shared history. He’d seen God protect and provide for him. He’d also suffered great trials and sorrow, but he continued to trust in God’s love and sovereignty. He knew God was his ever-present help in trouble and wanted nothing more than to give God the praise and thanks he deserved. Not only did this honor God, but it reminded David of who was in control.
There are times in my life when I lose sight of the truth that God is in control and perfectly capable of handling everything without my assistance. I decide to shoulder the responsibility of caring for my family and friends. I try to do everything and be everything. I struggle under a weight I wasn’t meant to carry. Often, picking up responsibilities that don’t belong to me results in me slacking on other important tasks such as prayer, worship, and reading Scripture, which are wholly mine. I use the well-worn excuse that I have too much to do and can’t fit them in. Trying to do God’s job ultimately leaves me feeling grumpy, critical, and worn out.

God faithfully reminds me that I’m taking on too much. He encourages me to return to the practices that reestablish me in my true role of beloved daughter, completely loved and accepted apart from performance or accomplishment. It’s a recurring struggle, but I’ve found two activities that are particularly helpful for me. They give God thanks and praise while also preventing me from usurping his role.
Read the rest over at The Glorious Table.
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