This past month has been very unusual. While we’re spending nearly all of our time at home, we have opportunities to see our neighbors as they walk around our neighborhood loop to enjoy the spring weather. It may just be waves and a quick “hi” or it may turn into longer conversations from opposite sides of the street depending on how starved we all become for in-person connection. We’ll find out together.

S1 texted to see if Thursday next week was good to hang out. I confirmed so next week will be a social week for me.
While waiting at the bus stop this afternoon, S1 came over to talk for a little bit.
I called S1 to talk about what we’re doing Thursday. When I was out in the yard later, I saw her and we talked for a while.
I saw K2 in the afternoon. She gave me a book recommendation. S1 texted me details about Thursday.

I decided to drive separately to Black Mountain to meet S1 and K1 for shopping and lunch. It was a cute little town and it’s only about half an hour away. I will definitely go back.
We’ve been at our house since Monday, only taking walks around the neighborhood for fresh air. We saw K1 walking her grandson in a stroller and chatted a bit from opposite sides of the street.
I texted S1 to see if she needed anything from the grocery store today when I go.
I’m trying to take advantage of this slower lifestyle and find creative ways to connect with others. I see the neighbors pass by our house walking their dogs or exercising. I could actually sit on the front porch and say hey and not just talk about doing it.

This month has been quite unprecedented. I think our shelter-at-home order will mean we are most likely to physically see the people in our neighborhood the most for at least the next month. Hopefully, we can take advantage of that while maintaining a safe physical distance. I will try to make it a daily point to spend time out front to try to catch someone walking by in the nice spring weather. Here’s hoping for some creativity in cultivating community!
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