We’ve lived in our neighborhood for six months now. We have met nearly everyone on the street which I think is quite an accomplishment. If you’re new, consider following this journey from the beginning by reading about months one, two, three, four, and five.

We cleared out the basement this morning to prepare for the renovations next month (Adam mostly). S1 & B2 came over to look at the progress as they were out trimming bushes (our basement door opens to the side of their house). S1 said we should hang out again soon.
I received a thank you card in the mail from my neighbor T1. The kids and I had dropped cookies off on her front porch over Christmas. She shared her experience of finding the container with her grandkids. So cute!
I went to our neighborhood HOA meeting tonight. I knew everyone except for one couple so I went over and introduced myself before the meeting. Now there’s only one house I haven’t met the occupants of and they are the ones who face the main road. The meeting lasted about half an hour. A perk of being in a small neighborhood I suppose. S1 and K1 approached me separately at the meeting and asked if I would be joining them next Tuesday for another lunch and shopping day. I said I had to check my schedule.
I texted S1 today to confirm my availability for next Tuesday. I think she said there’s a new restaurant in Hendersonville they want to check out.
I met S1, K1, and their former neighbor to go consignment shopping and to lunch. We went down to Hendersonville. I sat in the back and talked to S1. It was nice to be out and chatting with the ladies.

I feel like I am somewhat involved with the neighborhood. If we had a dog I might see more people while walking it. I have usually run into at least one person whenever I walk the loop for exercise. Perhaps we should consider having someone over for dinner again.
I am envious of your short HOA meeting. And you didn’t mention if it was like ours- a scene from Seinfeld at the Florida Boca Raton that Jerry’s folks lived in. I think you have done a great job becoming acquainted.
It was very calm and rational. Much better than our old neighborhood that had a ton of complaining people but still never enough for an actual quorum. Very frustrating.