We’ve now lived in Asheville for four months. As the weather has cooled, we haven’t been outside as much which has hindered our interactions with our neighbors. We did have Halloween which was an excuse to knock on many doors. To catch up on this series, check out months one, two and three.

We went trick-or-treating with the kids. We went to a local church’s trunk or treat then visited S1’s and K1’s houses before it started raining. A while later after the rain stopped and we had visited another neighborhood using the van, we walked up the other side of our neighborhood. We all went and said hi to J2 and E2. We then went to J7’s house so she and Adam could meet. Then E3 and D3, T2 and J4, J6, and M2. Pretty decent participation from our street. We only had six to eight kids visit our house which is significantly fewer than our old neighborhood. Adam says we should give out full size candy bars next year.
As my parents and I were loading up for the airport a woman walking a dog came into our driveway and asked if my husband was home. I said he wasn’t and she asked if he was the engineer. She then said she remembered the name of the employee she knew who also worked at his company and gave me the name. I realized she lives on the back street and we’d said hi a month or two ago.
When I was checking out at Ingles this morning I heard a “Well, hello!” from behind me. When I turned around I saw it was my neighbor K1.
When I was walking down to the bus stop I saw S1 and K1 talking and stopped to talk for a few minutes. S1 asked about going downtown one day next week. I said I’d look at my calendar and let her know. I told them I’m working on a novel. They informed me that K2 is working on getter her house together so she can move. I wonder who the new people will be.
When I walked to the bus stop this afternoon, B1 and his grandson were there. I talked to them for a few minutes before they went across the street and up to their house.
I texted S1 to say that this week would not be good for getting together but that next week was much better. She said she’d get back to me.
I’ve waved to T1 both yesterday and this morning as she heads to work while we’re waiting for the bus to come.
When I walked down to the bus stop this afternoon I saw that there’s a For Sale sign in K2’s front yard. That means we’ll eventually have some new neighbors. We really weren’t the new people on the street very long. This is now the third house for sale since we moved in!

I saw K2 when I was at the bus stop waiting for the kids. She said she’s hoping to move in February as that is when her new house will be ready.
Tonight Adam and I are having a date night, our first since our anniversary in July. One of the neighbor girls is babysitting. I’m excited to have an evening out with Adam. I hope the kids like the babysitter because she’s already slotted to sit again in two weeks!
I saw K2 again this afternoon. She said a woman from the neighborhood across the street is going to be her new neighbor in the next neighborhood. It’s nice that she’ll know someone already.
Yesterday I received an email from S1 asking about hanging out in a small group next week. I responded with my availability. It looks like Friday will be the day. That should be fun.
There’s been a little more interaction this month. Hoping we can keep an upward swing going even as we go through the holidays and into the new year. It’s harder when it starts getting cold as everyone tends to stay indoors.
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