Now that we’ve been in stay-at-home mode for awhile and have gotten used to the parameters, it has helped us to feel a little more comfortable about connecting with people in safe ways. I definitely miss being able to host people at our house, but am believing that time will come around again. In the meantime, we’ll do what we can.

We cleaned Kaitlyn’s room today and found the missing piece from A6’s walkie talkie that was lost the last time they came over for dinner. I texted a photo to K4.
R1 and I Voxered back and forth today.
My oldest friend called this morning and we caught up for awhile.
I Voxered a bunch with R1 today.
C2, a PTO member from the kids’ school sent me a few memes via Messenger saying that she’s been enjoying my Meme Mondays. I said thanks and asked her how her family was doing during quarantine.
R1 and I texted back and forth about her blog logo and how our days have been.

I took some cookies to R1 along with a gift I’d gotten for her. She asked if she could come down to the door from her second floor balcony so we talked out front from a safe distance. It was nice to see her face. It really was nice to see a friend face-to-face. While I’m an introvert, I do still need time with friends.
I also attended a Zumba class led by N2 on Zoom. It started out glitchy but ended up working well. I saw that K4 was also on the call. I texted her later to ask how it went and to see if C4 was going to pick up her costume for the Cinderella musical the girls are doing. She responded that A6 hung on her leg during the class so not as well as she would have liked. She also said she’d signed up for the same time slot as us for costume pick up. I’m sure the girls will be thrilled to see each other even if it is from a safe distance or while wearing masks.
I texted some with E1 today. She mentioned maybe meeting at a park to ride bikes or walk together with the parks reopening tomorrow. We’ll see if it works out. The weather doesn’t look great in the near future.
I also messaged some with R1 today.
E1 emailed me a response to today’s blog post about church. I appreciated her thoughts and the reminder that people do actually read what I write.
I took Kaitlyn to her Playground Stage costume pick up with some song and scene recording. C4’s time was the same so they were able to see each other for a bit. Since Kaitlyn is the stepmother in Cinderella and C4 was one of the daughters, they waited for the other daughter to arrive and then filmed some scenes and songs together in costume. Kaitlyn seemed very hyped about the whole thing. K4 asked what I thought about a socially-distanced outside hang out of our two families and I said we were up for it. We’ll see if we’re able to coordinate something.

We played Drawful and TeeKO with our GA friends this evening. It was a fun time.
V1 dropped off some beer for Adam.
I met up with R1 for socially distant smoothies this morning. We sat in bag chairs six feet apart under the cover of the YMCA’s front stoop because it was raining. It was nice to see her in person and catch up like old times.
I also received texts and FB messages from friends wishing me a happy birthday.
I’ve texted with R1 and some GA friends.
R1 texted to ask where we were today. I responded that we were headed to the river house where calls and texts are sketchy but the views are fantastic.

This month had more face-to-socially-distanced-face encounters than the previous month but we’re all still in the red for social time. It’s helpful to know that this is everyone’s issue rather than some sort of personal fault but the lack of a timeline is sometimes frustrating. What have you done to maintain contact with family and friends? Have you had any in-person gatherings since restrictions have been eased some?
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