Anyone who has children knows how crazy the month of May can be (perhaps it’s June if your kids are in school that long). I usually get my favorites sorted out by the middle of the month but this time I have just barely remembered that the fourth Saturday is upon me. Regardless of the busyness, there was still plenty of joy experienced. May also found us with our first experience of a kid getting stitches, but thankfully it wasn’t any worse. Without further ado, here are some of the May highlights!

Something Loved
May is essentially the month of Megan. It’s both Mother’s Day and my birthday. I like to try to do something out of the ordinary for at least one of those events. This year I succeeded for both. On Mother’s Day our family visited Portal Pinball, a new video game arcade containing classic arcade games (Donkey Kong, TMNT, Asteroid, Super Mario Bros, etc) and pinball machines. We all had a blast trying out many of the machines.

For my birthday I went with a friend to the Tell Me More tour with Jen Hatmaker and Kelly Corrigan. I have seen Jen speak multiple times and always enjoy her humor and encouragement. I have read a few of Kelly’s books and was interested to hear her speak. She was hilarious! My friend and I had a blast listening to them for a couple of hours.
Something Said
“I was at a store the other day that I don’t normally shop at. I tried on these sandals. I’m always an 8 1/2, sometimes a 9. So I tried on an 8 1/2 it was too small, a 9 was too small, a 9 1/2 was too small. Finally, a 10 fit me. I was like, ‘That’s super weird. What a weird sandal.’ But if that had been a pair of pants I would have been calling people in tears.”
If you’ve been reading my Four Somethings for any length of time then you know that I thoroughly enjoy the podcast Woven. They recently released a bonus episode about body image and I think it’s a must-listen-to, especially as we enter swimsuit season. It was very encouraging and offered a refreshing perspective.
Something Learned

I volunteer at my kids’ school for various functions. This month I signed up to help out at the Scholastic Book Fair. What’s not to love about spending time around books and potentially seeing your kids and their friends as they cultivate their literary tastes. I signed up to work an afternoon with a friend which made the experience even more enjoyable. I learned during my time at the school that book fair volunteers receive a discount on their own purchases. More books for less?! Yes, please!!! Don’t be surprised to see me as a volunteer at every book fair in the future.
Something Read

This month’s book highlight is a book about books and reading. It’s called I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life and it’s by Anne Bogel, aka Modern Mrs. Darcy. She is a wonderful resource for people searching for their next great read. In this book, she shares her experiences as a reader and about books that mark our hearts through the years. Some of the essays are silly and humorous, some are serious and thought-provoking, all are relatable. This book lover thoroughly enjoyed her thoughts and the book itself is very pleasing to the eye. If you love books, you will probably enjoy this book about the reading life.
Those are my Four Somethings for May. I’d love to hear yours. Comment on the post or link up with your own at

I love your photo for the linkup!!!
And BOOM love that insite on shoe shopping. Definitely something to remember!
Alright. Who got the stitches?
It was Jackson, of course. 🙂
Great round-up, and your birthday celebrations sound like fun! My birthday is in May as well. I’m also in the middle of reading Anne Bogel’s book and I’m enjoying it too!
Happy birthday month! I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!
I also loved “I’d Rather Be Reading” – constantly nodding my head as I was reading it. And, Happy Birthday Month!!!
Thank you! I appreciate your monthly link ups and the opportunity to review my experiences.