The last Friday of each month I link up with other bloggers to share four things from the month that fit into each of the following categories:
- Something Loved
- Something Said
- Something Learned
- Something Read
Join me and link up over at You can also check out my Somethings from January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November.
Something Loved
Kaitlyn started dancing at a new studio this year. They have a Christmas-themed performance they give at the beginning of December. She asked to go watch it so that she could decide whether it was something she wanted to participate in next year. It sounded like my kind of logic so we bought two tickets and went on December 1st. It was very well done and entertaining. I really enjoyed watching Kaitlyn take in the whole production. After it was over, Kaitlyn said that she will try out next year for the Christmas performance. I’m so excited for her!

Something Said
“I don’t think Jesus wants me to become more frazzled, more worn-out, and less joyful as I get closer to celebrating his appearance on earth.”
This is actually something I said in a recent blog post on The Glorious Table about having a more unhurried Christmas season. You can read the full post here.
Something Learned

The Color of Compromise is a book that details slavery and racial prejudice in the United States from the beginning of colonization to the present day. It talked about the ways in which the church was involved or complicit in slavery and segregation. It showed how racism and oppression were pervasive throughout the entire country, not just centralized in the south. I am sure that much of this was taught in school but did not stick with me as it has from this book. It was interesting to read about the different points in history when it could have been possible to advocate for equality among all people but continued oppression was chosen instead. I learned a lot about our history from this book. I appreciated the potential action steps given at the end to help move us forward toward the goal of racial equality and reconciliation.
Something Read

This month I finished The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. I highly recommend this book! It provides useful exercises to help uncover reasons you might be having trouble writing, painting, sculpting, filming, or whatever your creative endeavor is. I learned a lot about my fears and false beliefs and was able to begin working through them. It also helped me develop better habits to nurture my inner artist. I plan to read this one again and refer to it regularly for encouragement and wisdom.
Do you have anything that fits into one of these categories you’d like to share with me? Tell me about it in the comments section!

The Artist Way is so good! I definitely feel like I gleaned more from it the second time I read it! Thanks for linking up!
I am planning to read it again, possibly this upcoming year. It was very helpful and encouraging.