We’ve now been in Asheville for six months. We visited six churches in the area and found one where we believe we can belong and find community. If you are just joining this journey, please check out this post.

Today we went to the school church. The message was quite relevant, encouraging us to get involved with the church for a year and see whether our lives and relationships improve. We’re planning to join a small group (or whatever they call them here) when they open those up.
During announcements we learned there’s a newcomer’s dinner at the end of the month. I think we should go. The message was about choosing joy which humored me because this morning I started reading “The Book of Joy” by the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Not a coincidence.
I acquired a babysitter and signed Adam and myself up for the Newcomer’s Dinner at the end of the month. I hope there’s a good turnout.
Week three at church was another call to commit fully to the church for a year. The message was about surrendering all of our lives to God. We talked a little before church to the woman teaching the kids’ class. I asked about the middle school program for Kaitlyn in a year and a half. When we picked the kids up I saw one of K1’s grandsons, C5. Very shortly we saw his dad J8 and he said P2 was in the baby room with their youngest, G4. I assume O1 was in the preschool room. We didn’t see E5 the wife either.
This evening we went to a Worship Night the church was having to culminate their 21 Days of Prayer. We met in a different church’s building. There was music, prayer, and communion A woman introduced herself as we were walking in but we were outside and it was dark so I don’t know if I’ll recognize her in the future.
The main message at church today was the importance of community. It is, not coincidentally, the beginning of sign-ups for this season of Life Groups. Adam and I found one that seems like a good fit for us. It meets on a non-sports practice/game night in our part of town, is child-friendly, and will involve playing board games. It sounds like a great way to meet and get to know people. I hope other people sign up and it is a fun, festive group. I looked at women’s groups but none of them piqued my interest or fit well into my schedule. Adam looked at the men’s group list. The breakfast one is on the other side of Asheville so not really doable.

Now that we’ve decided on a place, we are getting involved and hoping to make some solid connections. We would appreciate prayers for this process.
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