This has been our first real experience searching for a church as a family. It has been more difficult than I anticipated. We really liked a lot of things about our old church and have been both consciously and unconsciously comparing the ones we visit with it. Check out our experiences in months one, two, and three.

We didn’t go to church this morning. My parents were in town and my cousin and his girlfriend drove over last night and so we had brunch at the Grove Park Inn instead. It was nice to get to spend time with extended family and enjoy a delicious meal at a place with a beautiful view.
We went to the school church this morning. We decided we’d go to the next steps class in two weeks and see what we thought. We want to experience a more traditional Christmas/Advent season so we will probably visit some Methodist churches. I think we may try to commit to getting involved somewhere and join a small group in January. I’m definitely feeling adrift in this area.
I was in Atlanta for the weekend so I went to our old church. It was really nice to be back in a familiar environment with people who know me well. I miss having that connection.
Adam and the kids took a bunch of food donations to the school church we’ve been visiting. I don’t think either of us is sold on this particular church. I think when we go to the class my concerns will be confirmed but I won’t know until we go. I know I’ve talked about it for weeks but we are really going to go next week.
We went to the school church today and stayed for the information meeting. I was not very optimistic about the answers to my questions but was pleasantly surprised. I had definitely expected answers that were incongruous with our thoughts and beliefs. I’m actually a little relieved to have been wrong. Adam and I still want to go to more traditional services for Advent but we may be back in January.
Adam agreed that my favorite of the churches we’ve visited is too far away to be feasible. Sad face.
Adam and I talked about churches on the drive over to Statesville to see his parents for Thanksgiving. We were both caught off guard by the answers to our questions on Sunday. I think we’re both in agreement that it seems like the best fit for our family. We’re still planning to visit traditional churches during Advent.
So after three months, we now have a real contender. We’ll most likely spend the month of December at services reminiscent of our own youth – seeing the Advent candles lit each week, listening to messages about Jesus and the Christmas story, and singing traditional Christmas songs. I’m curious to learn what the kids think about everything.
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