My family recently moved to Asheville and are actively trying to build community in our new town. One way we are searching for relationships is by finding a church home. This is our third month’s experience. You can read previous posts about months one and two.

Adam spoke with his co-worker who attends the church we are considering revisiting and was told that the church is planning to stay in the area when looking for a permanent location. That’s helpful.
We returned to the church in the school today. It reminded us a lot of the early days of our old church. There was a guest speaker. The message reiterated something I just read in a book. We didn’t really talk to anyone.
We went to the school church for the third time. It’s a new series. I enjoyed the music and the message. I was asked to help with a picture someone was taking for promotional materials so my hand may end up on the website. We may check out their next steps class soon to learn more about the church.

We spent the weekend in Atlanta so we went to our old church this morning. It was so nice to catch up with our old church friends. We ended up sitting next to our oldest friends during the service. It was nice to be back in the familiar for a bit.
Today we went to the school church with my parents. I don’t feel 100% sold on the church. I miss taking communion every week. I wonder about their stances on several issues including women in church leadership. They have a class after service where we can learn more about the church. Maybe we’ll go next week and find out about all of these things. I like that it’s close but I still think about Adam’s old church. I guess we’ll see.
Just when I think we might be set, doubts and questions pop up. I’m somewhat impatient for this process to be over but I want it to be a good fit for our whole family. What was your church hunting process like to find the church you’re attending now?
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