Not getting together with other people has been the hardest part of the pandemic. We hadn’t acquired deep friendships yet, but we were beginning to have more regular interactions with others before we were ordered to stay home and away from others. We don’t know when we’ll be able to reintroduce regular hangouts again, but we hope it’s not too much longer.

A GA friend texted me and we chatted for a bit via messages. It was a pleasant surprise.
R1 and I Voxered back and forth today.
I Voxered with R1. I talked on the phone to a GA friend.
While we were at Fletcher park, we saw Kaitlyn’s AIG teacher and said hi. She was there with her dog.
K4 texted to say that she was signing C4 up for a week of theater camp with the group the girls did Cinderella at school. It’s being held right down the street from our house. The kids will wear masks and be socially distanced in a group no larger than fifteen. I know Kaitlyn would love it, especially to have time with C4, so we signed her up as well. They have to have at least ten kids register to hold it so we will see.
I met R1 for a socially-distanced hang out this morning at her place. We sat at opposite ends of a picnic table and caught up on what’s been going on. It was really nice.

We hiked to a waterfall on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We passed V1 and J3’s Jeep on our way back home and learned that they were headed to the same place. Over FB, I told J3 we should try to meet up at Patton Pool sometime.
This evening we played JackBox games with our GA friends over the computer. It was fun like always.
I texted some with R1 this evening.
I texted with K4 and E1 to see how they were. I Voxered with R1.
In the afternoon, I met A4 on a Zoom call and we completed some writing prompts and shared our stories with one another. It felt really good to do some writing and spend some time with another writer.
I texted some with E1 to gauge how she felt about trying to get the kids together. It sounds like they’ve got family visits coming up but said maybe we could meet for bike riding next week depending on the weather. I guess we’ll see.
I texted E1 to see if they were free to ride bikes today. We went back and forth over details via text and eventually the kids and I drove over to their house and the kids rode bikes and played outside for awhile. We also got to meet their new dog. It was nice to catch up a little. The kids seemed to enjoy seeing other kids.

I texted with K4 to see if there was a possibility of getting the girls together so they can film the movies they’ve been working on since the spring. She said after the fourth when they’ve been with their parents, she would be okay with it. So now we have a timeline.
We did get to see a couple of people this month. The kids had their first playdate in months and handled playing outside and not getting too close pretty well. Hopefully, we can do a little more next month to help keep us all sane. How are you engaging with friends this summer?
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