I felt like we started out pretty strong reaching out to people. This last month has had a few natural challenges. My parents visited for two weeks which we enjoyed but kept our schedule too busy for anything else. I also ended up taking an unplanned trip to Atlanta which was great for spending some time with old friends but didn’t help with making new ones. Hopefully, we can get back into it this next month.

I took my parents to the gym on Thursday. They met R1 when we checked in. I saw N1 upstairs when I was stretching at the end of my workout. She told me to enjoy my family time.
Yesterday we went to a neighborhood yard sale. Adam recognized the owners at one house as someone he worked with the first time he lived up here.
Mom, dad, and I went to the gym this morning. We said hi to R1. On the way out, I talked to her for a few minutes to try to catch up a little. She was dressed as a cat. The three of us went to lunch at the kids’ school and talked to their classmates while they ate.
I texted R1 to say it was good to see her. She said that we had to make Mosaic happen next week because the following week she’ll be working every weekday.
We saw V1, J3, and their kids at our house as we were walking toward it to get the car as it was beginning to rain. We stood in our driveway and talked in the rain for a bit. They suggested we visit a neighborhood around the corner because the roads are pretty flat and the houses are close together. We got in the van and drove over there. We found a lot of participating houses, which the kids appreciated.
Mom and I went to the restorative yoga class at the gym. I saw R1 but she was busy so we didn’t talk. S4 (from the creative writing group) was at the class again. We talked about writing. I asked if she was doing NaNoWriMo. She said her writing has been on the backburner as they’ve had other things to deal with at home. I encouraged her to try it for her sanity (writing again at least). She said she might. I guess we’ll see at the next group. She said she might attend one of the write-in days at the library.

The kids had been invited to A6’s birthday so Adam took them while I took my family on the parkway to see the views. The kids seemed to have a great time.
I texted E1 this evening to see if she was available to get the kids together on the 11th when they’re out of school. She said she was so we will figure out a plan as we get closer.
I met R1 at Mosaic at 10 to catch up and talk. We had a good conversation and the weather was nice enough that we were able to sit outside. It was nice to catch up. I tried to convince her to come to the next creative writing group meeting with me. I know she’s working all week so I won’t blame her if she’s too busy or tired.
I went to the store afterward for a few things. On the way in I saw one of my favorite Y instructors but I didn’t say anything because I thought it might be awkward.
I went to the gym after I had written some for NaNoWriMo. I was pretty hyped. I talked to R1 a bit about the book’s progress. I went up to exercise and ended up on the only open treadmill which happened to be next to N1. I chatted with her a little. She told me that my favorite instructor now only teaches some evening classes which was a bit of a bummer for me. But she said she likes the new instructors so we’ll see. As I was stretching afterward I saw R1’s husband A5 at the weights. I thought about saying hi but chickened out because I couldn’t think of anything to say. I also peeked in on R1 before I left but she was with a trainer so I didn’t interrupt.
We went to school this morning to hear Kaitlyn sing in honor of Veteran’s Day. We ended up sitting next to K4 and E4. K4’s parents were also there.
I went to the gym to do some cardio and talked to R1 for a bit both before and afterward. I realized I was holding up front desk service so I ended our conversation and headed home.
I went to the library for my first NaNoWriMo write in. I was hoping someone else would show up but I was all alone for the 2.5 hours I was there.

The kids and I went to the gym this morning. When I was checking them in, E4 came in to drop A6 off at the kid zone. He said K4 and C4 were taking the Zumba class. I talked to R1 after exercising. I talked a little to B3 when I checked in, commenting on how busy it would be.
We met E1 and the girls for lunch and then they came back to our house to hang out for a while. It was nice to catch up. E1 and I are hoping to try to get together for a movie next month.
I texted K4 about seeing her family at the gym and we had a text conversation. I wonder if her work and family schedule is flexible enough to have the kids play together on a weekday afternoon.
I went to the gym after the kids got on the bus at nine. I saw N1 while on the treadmill. I talked to R1 for a bit afterward. She declined my invitation to the writing group. There were three of us this evening. S4 did not show up. No one else is attempting NaNoWriMo. It was fun doing exercises again. I am a lot more comfortable sharing in that group now. It would be nice if there were more people though. Ah well.
I went to the gym at seven this morning because there was a lot I wanted to do today. I saw R1 on my way in but she was distracted so I figured we’d talk on the way out. I saw N1 as I was getting ready to leave. She asked if I was coming to TRX. I said maybe next week. When I headed out, I didn’t see R1 anywhere. She texted later to say she was sorry she missed me. I texted about getting together next week.
I went to the library for the NaNoWriMo write-in. I have been hoping to see other people but no luck this week either. I did get a lot of writing done though.
I met R1 after exercising. We went to Mosaic and talked for about an hour. She’s moving locally next week. I offered to bring the van over to help haul stuff from one place to the other. She seemed agreeable to that. It was nice to catch up with her.

On Thursday I went to the STRONG class at the Y. There were about eight people there. It was challenging but enjoyable. I will probably go again. I talked to R1 some.
On Friday I went to the Y early to run. I was able to talk to R1 for a while because it was slow. I confirmed that she still wanted help moving on Monday.
I went to the library to work on my book. I didn’t see anyone else while I was there. Maybe I will meet people at the party in December.
Adam talked about hosting a Christmas party for his work team. I’m game so I think he’ll move forward with that.
I went to the gym this morning and talked to R1 before I ran. I really didn’t want to exercise so I was delaying the inevitable. I asked if she still wanted help with moving later in the day and she said she’d text me. She was busy after I ran so I didn’t say bye. She texted me at 11:45 to say she wouldn’t mind extra help so I headed over and met her and A5 at their new place. I helped carry boxes in and then we went to their current place and loaded stuff from the house and garage in both of our vehicles. We took it to the new place. A5 had to get ready for work so I helped R1 unpack some kitchen boxes before I dropped her off at her place and came home. I let her know I could meet tomorrow to hang out if she was free. We’re playing it by ear.
I sent R1 an email with some questions because I thought it would be fun to learn more about one another. After she responded, I filled it out and sent it back.
Not a lot of new activity on this front. Some potential which will probably be realized in December. I’m interested to see if anything develops.
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