I have been thinking recently about dreams I have for my life, things I would love to do or to happen. I know we sometimes equate dreams with goals or bucket list items, but I believe those are all slightly different.
Goals are things I want to achieve and will take deliberate steps to accomplish. Some dreams could be labeled as goals but, often, dreams require more than just our own efforts to accomplish. Goals are measurable and you can usually determine ahead of time if you have the necessary resources to accomplish them. Yes, work is also required on our part for dreams, but even if we do all that we can, it doesn’t mean the dream will be realized.
Bucket lists, to me, are kind of like fun to-do lists. Perhaps some people’s bucket lists are lists of dreams but I think mine would most resemble a world map or adventure itinerary.
To me, dreams are heart-driven desires. I am more nervous about sharing my dreams than my bucket list because they are revealing and vulnerable. They tell others a lot about my heart. I have been thinking and praying a lot about it and have decided to share my dreams with you. I believe that bringing them out in the open where others can see them will allow God more room to move in these areas. He reminded me recently that the dreams he has placed in my heart (and, honestly, I don’t know for certain which dreams are God-led and which are my own selfish ones), he will water and grow so that they will come to fruition at the proper time.
So, in no particular order, my current dreams:
- To be a writer (technically I am a writer now, but I am referring to receiving payment/compensation for my work)
- To write and publish another book (it’d be awesome to have an actual publishing house do it – see above dream)
- To go on a solo weekend retreat somewhere I can pray, see nature, read, write, be quiet and think (I’ve heard about monastic retreats which appeal to me)
- To attend She Speaks Conference, the writer/speaker conference held every July in Concord, NC
- A vacation with just my husband to a beach/island with great scuba diving
- A couple/family or several couples/families for true community (we like each other, enjoy each other’s company, can share real/hard things and all make efforts to spend time together regularly)
- My kids to choose Jesus and desire to live for him (they are currently 6 and 3 but this is my number one desire for them)
Thanks for sharing Megan. I was just pondering this question in my heart. I was recently divorced and I feel like my dreams and goals have changed. Now I'm seeking God to evaluate what I want in my life moving forward. Right now, I only have a few…so I'll share:
– My kids to seek God
– Find true, pure love again
That is all for now. Thanks again.
Thanks for sharing Theresa! I pray that God would guide you and provide for you in these new dreams.